Please check my answer thanks

Fearfulness as a trait appears to be
A. more common in females.

B. hereditary and a dominant trait.

C. more common in males.

D. random and rare.

I picked B

To check your answer, we need to examine the provided options. Let's go through each option and analyze it:

A. More common in females: This suggests that fearfulness is predominantly found in females. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence or scientific research.

B. Hereditary and a dominant trait: This option suggests that fearfulness is passed down through genes and is a dominant trait, meaning it is expressed in the presence of a dominant allele. This could potentially be true, as some traits can be inherited, but we cannot conclude whether it is dominant or recessive based on the information given.

C. More common in males: This option proposes that fearfulness is more prevalent in males. Like option A, this statement lacks any supporting evidence or scientific research.

D. Random and rare: This option suggests that fearfulness occurs randomly and is infrequent. However, this contradicts the fact that fearfulness is being described as a trait. Traits are typically more consistent and predictable rather than random.

Based on the options provided, none of them are clearly and definitively supported by the information given. However, if we had more information or context, it might be possible to make a more accurate assessment.