How do you solve a problem like this?

It says divide. then write each quotient in simplest form

5 divided by 3 1/3

how do you do solve it?

5 divided by 3 1/3

5 ÷ 3 1/3
= 5 ÷ 10/3
= 5 * 3/10
= 15/10
= 3/2 or 1 1/2 or 1.5

To solve the problem of dividing 5 by 3 1/3, you can follow these steps to find the quotient in simplest form:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 3 1/3 to an improper fraction.
To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (3), and then add the numerator (1). The result is the numerator of the improper fraction, and the denominator remains the same. In this case, the improper fraction equivalent of 3 1/3 is (3 * 3) + 1 / 3 = 10/3.

Step 2: Divide the numerator of the dividend (5) by the numerator of the divisor (10/3).
To divide a whole number by a fraction, you can convert the whole number to an improper fraction by placing it over the denominator of 1. So, 5 is equivalent to 5/1.

To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction (dividend) by the reciprocal of the second fraction (divisor). The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by swapping the numerator and the denominator. In this case, the reciprocal of 10/3 is 3/10.

So, we have:
(5/1) ÷ (10/3) = (5/1) * (3/10)

Step 3: Multiply the numerators and denominators.
Multiply the two numerators (5 * 3) to get the numerator of the quotient, and multiply the two denominators (1 * 10) to get the denominator of the quotient. So, we have:
(5/1) * (3/10) = 15/10

Step 4: Simplify the fraction to its simplest form.
To write the quotient in simplest form, we need to simplify the fraction. In this case, the numerator (15) and denominator (10) have a common factor of 5. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5 gives:
15/10 = 3/2

So, the quotient of 5 divided by 3 1/3 in simplest form is 3/2.