Creation: migration, annexation or colonization

Consequences: extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, fusion or assimilation.

Ms. Sue.

I would consider this as a migration and for the consequences I will say secession. but how could I incorporate these two things in my journal and where. Please let me know

Yes, the Cubans migrated to the U.S.

I don't understand what you mean by "consequences." Are these the consequences if they had stayed in Cuba? Or are these the consequences of their migration?

In any case, secession is not the right consequence. Secession means the withdrawal of a state from a country.

Thanks Ms. Sue I am going to work on it.

To incorporate the concepts of migration and secession in your journal, you can follow these steps:

1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic you are discussing in your journal entry. You can briefly explain the context or background of the event you are referring to, such as a historical event or a specific incident involving migration and secession.

2. Migration: In the main body of your journal entry, explain the concept of migration and how it relates to the event. Describe the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another, focusing on the reasons behind their migration in the specific context you are discussing. You can mention any push or pull factors that influenced the decision to migrate, giving examples and elaborating on the impact it had on the parties involved.

3. Annexation or Colonization: If applicable, discuss any elements of annexation or colonization that occurred in relation to the migration. For example, if a group migrated to a specific territory that was later annexed or colonized by another power, explain the significance of this and how it affected the migrants.

4. Secession: Proceed to discuss the concept of secession and its connection to the event you are writing about. Explain why and how a group decided to secede from a larger entity or community, highlighting any historical, cultural, or political factors that influenced their decision. Elaborate on the consequences, both positive and negative, that secession had on the group seceding and the entity they separated from.

5. Consequences: In the following section, delve deeper into the consequences of secession, focusing on any specific outcomes that resulted from the event. Here, you can mention the consequences you listed in your question, such as extermination, expulsion, segregation, fusion, or assimilation. Analyze how these consequences affected the migrants, the seceding group, and the larger community they left behind, providing evidence or examples to support your analysis.

6. Conclusion: Wrap up your journal entry by summarizing the main points you discussed regarding migration, annexation or colonization, and their consequences, particularly secession. Reflect on the significance of these events and their lasting impact, considering both the immediate ramifications and any long-term effects.

Remember to maintain a clear and coherent structure throughout your journal entry, providing evidence and analysis to support your statements. Use proper citations if you refer to specific sources or research, and don't hesitate to include any personal reflections or opinions that can further enhance your journal entry.