A car rents for $40 per day plus 20 cents per mile. You are on a daily budget of $92. What mileage will allow you to stay within budget?

Your budget allows you to spend $52 a day on mileage.

Divide $52 by $0.2 to find the maximum mileage per day.

We'll ge glad to check your answer.

To determine the mileage that will allow you to stay within budget, we can set up an equation.

Let's denote the number of miles as "m".

The total cost can be calculated using the formula:
Total Cost = Daily Base Cost + Mileage Cost
Total Cost = $40 + (0.20 * m)

We know that the total cost should not exceed $92.
Therefore, we can write the equation as:
$40 + (0.20 * m) ≤ $92

To solve for "m", we can subtract $40 from both sides of the equation:
0.20 * m ≤ $92 - $40

Simplifying the equation:
0.20 * m ≤ $52

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 0.20 to solve for "m":
m ≤ $52 / 0.20

m ≤ 260

So, in order to stay within budget, you should not rent the car for more than 260 miles.