17. Choose the correct list of the factors of the number 8.

A) 1, 2, 4, and 8 B) 1 and 8 C) 2, 2, and 2 D) 1, 2, and 8

18. One kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters. What fractional part of a kilometer is 700 meters? Simplify your result.

A) B) C) D)

19. Divide Be sure to attach the proper units.

A) 12 months B) 18 months C) D) month

20. Mario counted 43 half-gallons of orange juice in his store. What is the amount of orange juice as a mixed number of gallons?

A) gal B) gal C) gal D) gal

You may need to type the problem if it won't copy and paste here.

None of your posts showed anything but a number.

i did copy and paste them like 2 times per #

For question 17, we are asked to choose the correct list of factors of the number 8.

A factor of a number is a number that divides evenly into that number. To find the factors of 8, we need to determine the numbers that divide evenly into 8.

We can start by listing the numbers from 1 to 8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

To determine if these numbers divide evenly into 8, we check if 8 can be divided by each of these numbers without a remainder.

By doing this, we find that 1, 2, 4, and 8 are the numbers that divide evenly into 8.

Therefore, the correct list of factors of the number 8 is:
A) 1, 2, 4, and 8

Now, let's move on to question 18.

In question 18, we are given that one kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters. We need to determine the fractional part of a kilometer that corresponds to 700 meters.

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the given conversion and the unknown fractional part we want to find:

1 kilometer / 1,000 meters = x kilometers / 700 meters

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 kilometer * 700 meters = 1,000 meters * x kilometers

700 kilometers = 1,000x

To solve for x, we divide both sides by 1,000:

700 kilometers / 1,000 = x

Simplifying, we find:

x = 0.7 kilometers

So, the fractional part of a kilometer that corresponds to 700 meters is 0.7 kilometers.

The simplified result is:

Now, let's move on to question 19.

In question 19, we are asked to divide something, but the options given seem to be incomplete. Therefore, the answer cannot be determined without additional information. The correct response would require more options or clarification in order to select the appropriate answer.

Finally, let's move on to question 20.

In question 20, we are told that Mario counted 43 half-gallons of orange juice in his store, and we need to determine the amount of orange juice as a mixed number of gallons.

Since each half-gallon is equivalent to 0.5 gallons, we can find the amount of orange juice in gallons by multiplying the number of half-gallons by 0.5.

43 half-gallons * 0.5 gallons/half-gallon = 21.5 gallons

Therefore, the amount of orange juice as a mixed number of gallons is:
C) gallons