Do you agree?

Enterprise Funds should not be permitted to accumulate unrestricted net assets, since to do so would indicate overpricing of its services.”

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with information on the topic.

The statement suggests that enterprise funds should not be allowed to accumulate unrestricted net assets because it would indicate overpricing of their services. To form an opinion on whether you agree or disagree with this statement, you need to consider a few factors:

1. Purpose of enterprise funds: Enterprise funds are usually created to provide self-supporting services to the public, such as utilities or public transportation. They are expected to generate revenue to cover their costs and maintain their infrastructure.

2. Accumulation of unrestricted net assets: Unrestricted net assets represent the amount of money that remains after deducting liabilities from total assets. When enterprise funds accumulate a surplus of unrestricted net assets, it means they are generating more revenue than necessary to cover their expenses.

3. Overpricing of services: The statement suggests that the accumulation of unrestricted net assets indicates that the enterprise fund's services are overpriced. Overpricing could mean that the charges for these services are higher than necessary, resulting in the accumulation of excess revenue.

Opinions on whether enterprise funds should be allowed to accumulate unrestricted net assets may vary depending on various factors, such as the specific circumstances of the enterprise fund, the level of competition in the industry, and the needs and expectations of the community being served. It's also important to consider whether the accumulation of unrestricted net assets reflects efficient operations or a lack of effective financial management.

Ultimately, whether or not you agree with the statement is subjective and could depend on your perspective and understanding of the specific enterprise fund in question.