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10. what caused the end of feudalism? (_ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

18. group working and living together to meet their needs (Either 10 or 12 letters)

20. migrated from place to place in serch of food
(h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

Answer all that you can! Thank you so much!


18. group working and living together to meet their needs (9 or 11 letters)

The purpose of this assignment is to guide you in reviewing your text materials. I gave you some hints in the last post.

10. What caused the end of feudalism?

To find the answer, we can look into the historical events that led to the decline and ultimately the end of feudalism. One significant factor was the Black Death, a devastating pandemic that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351. The Black Death resulted in a massive loss of life, leading to labor shortages and an increase in wages for the surviving workers. This disrupted the social and economic systems of feudalism, as lords struggled to maintain control over their lands without enough laborers.

18. Group working and living together to meet their needs.
To find a word that fits this description, we can consider the concept of a communal society or community. In a communal society, a group of individuals work together and share resources to meet their needs. Another possibility is a cooperative, where people pool their resources and efforts for mutual benefit. Both communal and cooperative societies can be found throughout history and in different cultures.

20. Migrated from place to place in search of food.
To find a word that fits this description, we can consider the historical practice of nomadic hunting and gathering. Nomadic hunter-gatherers would move from one place to another in search of food and resources, following animal migrations and the availability of wild plants. This lifestyle was common during prehistoric times and among certain indigenous cultures. The word that fits this description is "nomadic."