express 5�ã72 in simplest radical form

I did this:


Is this right?

I guess maybe we are doing:

5 sqrt(72)
5 sqrt(36) sqrt(2)
30 sqrt(2)

Oh, it didn't come out right

The question was express (5)(sqrt)(72) in simplest radical form

I did:

Am I on the right track?

Yes, that is fine.

Yes, your approach is correct. To express 5√72 in the simplest radical form, you can simplify the square root of 72 by factoring it into its prime factors:

√72 = √(2^3 * 3^2)

Next, you can separate the prime factors into two groups. Since the square root should be simplified as much as possible, one group will contain the factors with a power of 2 (2^3), and the other group will contain the factors with a power of 1 (3).

√72 = √(2^3) * √(3^2)

Now, simplify each square root separately:

√(2^3) = √8 = 2√2
√(3^2) = √9 = 3

Finally, multiply the simplified radical parts together:

5 * (2√2) * 3 = 30√2

So, the expression 5√72 in the simplest radical form is 30√2. Your answer is correct!