Procedure : Group Activity

Looking at the picture on the left, let's play the guessing game. I have some pictures. Look at this picture. What is he doing? Guess what he is doing and say like this: He is running. I think he is running. Is he running? Is he walking? Is he jumping? You can not see all the parts of the body. I will uncover the picture step by step. What is he doing now? He is running. No, he isn't. What is he doing now? Is he jumping? Yes, he is. He is jumping. The members of each group should ask Yes/No questions beginning with "Is he or is she--?" They should try to guess what he or she is doing. If the guessing is right, the leader in each group should say, Yes, he/she is. If the guessing is incorrect, the leader should say, No, he/she isn't. Now let's make groups of 6. You are in groups of six already. First, the group leader should have the cards and showing each card step by step, she should do the activity. The other students in the group should ask questions like this: Is he jumping? Is he listening to music? Is he playing the piano? etc. The leader should not show all the parts of the picture at first. Step by step, she should uncover the picture so that the others can guess what the picture is about. Ready. let's go. Are you finished? OK.

Would you check the group activity above? I'd like to use correct English expressions. If there are any errors, correct them, please.

"Looking at the picture on the left, let's play the guessing game. I have some pictures. Look at this picture. What is he doing? Guess what he is doing and say something like this: He is running."

The rest looks fine.

Group Activity Procedure:

1. Begin the activity by showing a picture to the participants.
2. Ask the participants to guess what the person in the picture is doing.
3. Encourage them to use the phrase, "He is (verb). I think he is (verb)." For example, "He is running. I think he is running."
4. Prompt the participants with options like, "Is he running? Is he walking? Is he jumping?" while reminding them that they may not be able to see all parts of the body.
5. Uncover the picture step by step and ask the participants to actively guess the person's activity.
6. Provide feedback by confirming or correcting their guesses. For example, "No, he isn't running. What is he doing now?"
7. Once the participants have understood the guessing game, divide them into groups of six.
8. Assign a group leader who will have the cards with pictures and lead the activity.
9. In each group, the other participants should ask Yes/No questions using the phrase, "Is he/she...?" to guess what the person in the picture is doing. For example, "Is he jumping? Is he listening to music? Is he playing the piano?"
10. The group leader should reveal the picture gradually, allowing the others to make guesses based on the uncovered parts.
11. If a guess is correct, the group leader should respond with "Yes, he/she is." If the guess is incorrect, the leader should say "No, he/she isn't."
12. Confirm that the participants understand the instructions and divide them into their respective groups.
13. Have the group leader conduct the activity, following the procedure explained above.
14. Conclude the activity once each group has had a turn.
15. Check if the activity is complete and ask if everyone is finished.

Note: The activity description provided seems to be written in correct English expressions, with only minor improvements made for clarity and coherence.