15. you would use words for numbers when?

a. signifying an even house number,
b. using "A.M." or "P.M."
c. expressing an even amount of dollars and cents,
d. beginning a sentence with a number

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You would use words for numbers in the following situations:

a. To signify an even house number: When you want to specify an even house number, such as "twenty-two" or "forty-six," you would use words for numbers. This helps to clearly communicate the specific number and avoids any confusion.

b. Using "A.M." or "P.M.": When mentioning time in the 12-hour format, you should use words for the numbers. For example, "eight o'clock in the morning" or "five o'clock in the evening." This helps to provide a clear and understandable representation of the time.

c. Expressing an even amount of dollars and cents: When you want to express an amount of money that has an even number of dollars and cents, you would use words for numbers. For instance, you would say "thirty dollars and fifty cents" or "sixty-five dollars and twenty cents."

d. Beginning a sentence with a number: When a sentence begins with a number, it is generally preferred to write that number in words. For example, instead of writing "5 cats were in the garden," it is recommended to write "Five cats were in the garden." This helps to improve the readability and flow of the sentence.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure clear communication and proper usage of words for numbers.