I have to put together a visual, technological presentation.

My topic is on the weapons used in WWII. I need to find info about these weapons, but most importantly, I must cover the significance of each as well as provide context in the larger world and analysis of the weapons used in WWII for the course of human history.
Any credible sites?

There were many weapons used during WWII. These sites should get you started on your research.


To find credible information about the weapons used in WWII along with the significance and historical context, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with reputable academic sources such as university websites, archive sites, and established research institutions. They often have well-cited and authoritative information. Some examples include:

- National World War II Museum: This museum offers an extensive collection of resources covering a wide range of topics related to WWII. Their website includes articles, exhibits, and educational materials that can provide detailed information about weapons used in the war.
- Website: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/

- Library of Congress: The Library of Congress has a vast digital collection that covers various aspects of history, including WWII. It provides primary sources, photos, and documents that can help you understand the weapons used during this period.
- Website: https://www.loc.gov/

- Military History Institute: The Military History Institute is dedicated to preserving and studying military history. Their website contains articles and resources related to various wars, including WWII, which can offer insights into the weapons used.
- Website: https://www.militaryhistoryinstitute.org/

2. Utilize academic databases and journals such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and ProQuest. These databases host peer-reviewed articles and scholarly publications, ensuring the credibility of the information.

3. Check out books written by reputable historians and scholars specializing in WWII. Books often provide in-depth analysis and historical context. You can find such books by searching library catalogs, bookstores, or online retailers like Amazon.

4. Be cautious with websites that lack authorship, references, or appear to have a biased agenda. Always cross-reference information obtained from unofficial sources with the sources mentioned above to ensure accuracy and credibility.

Remember, it's essential to critically analyze the information you come across, considering the author's expertise, verifiability of sources, and how the information aligns with other trusted sources.