• Due Date: Day 4 Thursday

• Write a sentence outline showing how an agency creates goals and objectives. Instead
of listing short topics and phrases like you would in a general outline, have all main points
and supporting details written as complete sentences so your thoughts are clear and

I'm sure your text materials explain how an agency creates goals and objectives.

We'll be glad to critique your outline.

To create goals and objectives, an agency follows a systematic process. Firstly, the agency conducts a thorough analysis of its current situation, including evaluating internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. This analysis helps the agency identify areas for improvement and growth. Once the analysis is complete, the agency sets overarching goals that align with its mission and vision statements. These goals are broad statements that define the desired outcomes the agency aims to achieve. Next, the agency breaks down these goals into specific objectives, which are more detailed and measurable targets. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). After setting the goals and objectives, the agency establishes a clear action plan to achieve them. This plan outlines the specific strategies, activities, resources, and timelines required to reach each objective. It includes assigning responsibilities to individuals or teams within the agency, ensuring accountability. Additionally, the agency regularly monitors and evaluates progress towards the goals and objectives, making adjustments as necessary. This iterative process allows the agency to track its performance and make informed decisions to stay on track. By employing this systematic approach, an agency can effectively create goals and objectives that are aligned with its mission and drive its success.