How do you say my dream job is to be a doctor? Mon meilleur metier est ....

or is it better to start with Le meilleur metier pour moi est un medecin.

le meilleur metier pour moi est medecin

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You have lots of choices:

work, job = le travail
employment = l'emploi
profession = la profession
trade, craft = métier

What about: Je rêve à être médecin. = I dream of being a doctor.

Remember, if you can't say something one way, try synonyms!


If you want to say "My dream job is to be a doctor" in French, you can say "Mon meilleur métier est d'être médecin." Here's how to break it down:

1. "My dream job" can be translated as "Mon meilleur métier" in French. "Mon" means "my," "meilleur" means "best," and "métier" means "job."
2. "Is to be" can be translated as "d'être" in French, which literally means "to be."
3. "A doctor" can be translated as "médecin" in French, which means "doctor."

So, by putting it all together, "My dream job is to be a doctor" translates to "Mon meilleur métier est d'être médecin" in French.