Eres muy generosa prestàndome estas joyas

mías - yours
nuestras- his
suyas- ours

What is the question asking- prestadome wont translate-

Also -Generalmente, me _____ por la mañana porque me ayuda a despertarme.
Which is generally I ____ in the morning because it helps wake me up but ducho and preparo are not in my spanish book and the first two don't make sense for answers


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Eres muy generosa prestándome estas joyas. = You are very generous (speaking to a female), lending me these jewels.

prestar = to lend / the -ndo form = ing; thus prestando = lending

Now there is a problem with the possessive adjectives:
mías = mine
nuestras = ours
suyas = his, hers, its
tuyas = yours

With the paragraph you need to understand what you see, plus the 4 verb forms below.

Generally, I _______ in the morning because it helps me to awaken.

acuesto = I go to bed
peino = I comb my hair
ducho = I shower
preparo = I prepare (myself) in this case.

Best choice is.....?


tuya for the first

and ducho for the second?

If I understand you = yes

estas joyas = tuyas
me ducho por la mañana


To understand the first question, "Eres muy generosa prestándome estas joyas," it seems like the person is thanking you for lending them the jewelry. The word "prestándome" is a combination of "prestando" (lending) and "me" (to me). So, the question is asking if you are generous in lending them the jewelry.

For the second question, "Generalmente, me _____ por la mañana porque me ayuda a despertarme," it seems like the sentence is about a morning routine. The missing word from the options provided is likely the verb that completes the sentence.

Here's the breakdown of the options:

- "Acuesto" means "I lie down" or "I go to bed," which doesn't fit well in the context of a morning routine.
- "Peino" means "I comb," which could possibly fit if it refers to combing hair in the morning.
- "Ducha" (the verb form of "ducho") means "I shower," which seems like a reasonable option for a morning routine.
- "Preparo" means "I prepare," which, without any additional context, could fit in a morning routine if it refers to preparing oneself (e.g., getting dressed, putting on makeup).

Given the limited options, "ducho" (shower) seems to be the most suitable answer, considering that showering helps to wake up in the morning.