Do you know a lot about literary terms? I know it is when a poem or story makes reeference to another poem or story, but I'm not sure what it's called. For example, in the book I'm reading, the character says “If you dressed me up in an orange-and-red sweater, you could ride me around the world in eighty days.” Which is referring to the movie "Around the world in 80 days."

Do you know what that's called?

I think you're looking for allusion.

Yes, I can help you with that! The literary term you're referring to is known as an allusion. An allusion is when a writer intentionally references another work of literature, artwork, historical event, or person within their own writing. It allows the writer to enhance their own work by drawing upon the associations, emotions, or meanings associated with the original.

In the example you provided, the character in the book is making an allusion to the movie "Around the World in 80 Days." By mentioning the orange-and-red sweater in connection to traveling around the world, they are evoking the familiarity and associations readers might have with the original work. The use of allusions adds depth and complexity to the writing, and it can be a way for writers to engage with the larger cultural and literary conversation.

So, to summarize, the term you were looking for is "allusion." Is there anything else you would like to know?