im not sure how to find the first four terms of each arithmetic sequence


helpp me pleasee!

let n= 1,2,3, and 4 in the expression to get

t1 = 4 + (1-1)(3) = 4
t2 = 4 + (2-1)(3) = 7

thank you so much.

you don't know how much that helped!

Sure, I can help you with that! The formula you provided is for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence. To find the first four terms of each arithmetic sequence, we can substitute different values of n into the formula.

Let's go step by step:

1. For the first term (n = 1):
Plug n = 1 into the formula: t₁ = 4 + (1 - 1)(3)
Simplify the expression: t₁ = 4 + (0)(3)
t₁ = 4 + 0
Therefore, the first term, t₁, is simply 4.

2. For the second term (n = 2):
Plug n = 2 into the formula: t₂ = 4 + (2 - 1)(3)
Simplify the expression: t₂ = 4 + (1)(3)
t₂ = 4 + 3
Therefore, the second term, t₂, is 7.

3. For the third term (n = 3):
Plug n = 3 into the formula: t₃ = 4 + (3 - 1)(3)
Simplify the expression: t₃ = 4 + (2)(3)
t₃ = 4 + 6
Therefore, the third term, t₃, is 10.

4. For the fourth term (n = 4):
Plug n = 4 into the formula: t₄ = 4 + (4 - 1)(3)
Simplify the expression: t₄ = 4 + (3)(3)
t₄ = 4 + 9
Therefore, the fourth term, t₄, is 13.

So, the first four terms of the arithmetic sequence defined by the formula tn = 4 + (n - 1)(3) are:
t₁ = 4
t₂ = 7
t₃ = 10
t₄ = 13.