When constructing a box-and-whisker plot, the median is equivalent to which term?

Is it the second or third quartile?

To determine which term the median is equivalent to in a box-and-whisker plot, we need to understand the components of the plot.

A box-and-whisker plot represents the distribution of a set of data values along a number line. It consists of several parts: the minimum value, the first quartile (Q1), the median (Q2), the third quartile (Q3), and the maximum value.

The median is the middle value of a dataset when arranged in ascending order. In a box-and-whisker plot, it is represented by a horizontal line inside the box.

The first quartile (Q1) represents the 25th percentile, while the third quartile (Q3) represents the 75th percentile. When constructing a box-and-whisker plot, the median (Q2) is equivalent to the second quartile.

Therefore, the correct answer is that the median is equivalent to the second quartile in a box-and-whisker plot.