Debbie goes to a diner famous for its express lunch menu. The menu has 5 appetizers, 3 soups, 7 entrees, 6 vegetables, and 4 desserts. How many different meals consisting of either an appetizr or a soup, one entree, one vegetable, and one dessert can Debbie order?

i think that its 2520 but i just want to make sure.


(10 years later) wow it looks like people are still the same just rude now I got to wait 10 more they might change hopefully like Ms. sue who actually helps

To find the number of different meals Debbie can order, we need to multiply the number of choices for each category together.

Debbie has the options of choosing an appetizer or a soup, which means she has a total of 5 appetizers + 3 soups = 8 choices for the first course.

For the second course, she can choose 1 entree from the 7 available options.

For the third course, she can choose 1 vegetable from the 6 available options.

For the fourth and final course, she can choose 1 dessert from the 4 available options.

To calculate the total number of different meal combinations, we multiply the number of choices in each category: 8 * 7 * 6 * 4 = 1,344.

Therefore, Debbie can order 1,344 different meals. So the answer is not 2520.