here is my problems url its typed with spaces please rewrite it with out space to see the image.

and it wont need password or anything
go to (zshare . net )/image/126113093ead8f03
the question is to:
*find the area of the shaded region.

OK; I am now able to see your figure.

First, compute the sum of the areas of the two triangles. The isosceles triangle with legs of 19 and apex angle 60 degrees is equilateral and has area
(1/2)*19*19cos 30 = 156.317 in^2

I have questions about whether your 305 degree angle is correct, and why you drew the 10 inch radius circle as larger than the other one. If both triangles are subtended by the same vertical line of length 19 inch, then the shaded area must have an apex angle of 2 arcsin 0.95 or 143.6 degrees. That would mean that your 305 degree angle is really 216.4 degrees.

Is your 10 inch radius circle really supposed to be 20 inches? That would make the "305" degree angle 303.28 degrees.

Basically, you have overdetermined or incorrectly specified the geometry with your figure.

In any case, the way to do a properly specified problem of this type is to first determine the combined area of the two subtended triangles, and then subtract the area of the "removed" pie-shaped sector of the 19 inch circle. That area would be
pi R^2 * (60/360) where r = 19 inches
= 189.019 in^2

sorry its 9 in not 19 i my bad

To find the area of the shaded region, I'll need to see the image you mentioned. However, I'm sorry but as a text-based AI, I am unable to view or access external websites or images. Therefore, I am unable to help you with this specific problem.

To find the area of a shaded region, you would typically need additional information such as the shape of the shaded region or given measurements. If you have access to the image, you can try opening it without spaces in the URL as you mentioned (e.g., to view the image. Once you have the image, you can use mathematical techniques specific to the given shape to find the area of the shaded region.