solve traingle ABC if A=63 degrees 10minutes, b=18 and a=17. Mark all solutions clearly.


using law of sines
sine 63/17=sinB/18
SinB= sin63x18/17
B=70.6 degrees '
to find C
C= 180-63-70.6
C= 46.4 degrees '
using law of cosines
c=13.8 '

You ignored the 10 minutes of the 63º angle

so A = 63.1667º which would slightly alter your angles.
However I tested your solution for the angles if A = 63 and the angles are correct for that version

your value of c is correct for A=63

why did you use the cosine law?
The Sine Law would have been easier.

To solve triangle ABC, we are given:

Angle A = 63 degrees 10 minutes
Side b = 18
Side a = 17

To find the solution, we will use the Law of Cosines, which states that for any triangle with sides a, b, and c, and angle C opposite side c:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab * cos(C)

Let's start by finding angle B using the Law of Cosines:

b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac * cos(B)

Plugging in the given values:

(18)^2 = (17)^2 + c^2 - 2(17)(c) * cos(B)

324 = 289 + c^2 - 34c * cos(B)
0 = c^2 - 34c * cos(B) + 35

Now, let's try to find the value of c using a quadratic equation. The quadratic equation is:

c = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Substituting the values into the quadratic equation:

c = (-(-34) ± √((-34)^2 - 4(1)(35))) / (2 * 1)

c = (34 ± √(1156 - 140)) / 2

c = (34 ± √1016) / 2

c = (34 ± 31.906) / 2

Now we have two possible values for c:

c1 = (34 + 31.906) / 2 = 65.906 / 2 = 32.953
c2 = (34 - 31.906) / 2 = 2.094 / 2 = 1.047

Since we can't have a negative length for a side, we discard c2 = 1.047.

Now that we have the value of c, we can find angle B using the Law of Cosines:

b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac * cos(B)

(18)^2 = (17)^2 + (32.953)^2 - 2(17)(32.953) * cos(B)

324 = 289 + 1083.490 + (-1116.631) * cos(B)

0 = -805.510 - (-1116.631) * cos(B)

1116.631 * cos(B) = 805.510

cos(B) = 805.510 / 1116.631

cos(B) ≈ 0.721

Now, we can find angle B by taking the inverse cosine of 0.721:

B ≈ cos^(-1)(0.721)

Using a calculator, we find:

B ≈ 44.5 degrees

Now, to find angle C, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees:

C = 180 - A - B
C = 180 - 63° 10' - 44.5°

To perform the calculation, we need to convert the given angle A from degrees and minutes to decimal degrees:

A = 63° + (10'/60')
A ≈ 63.167 degrees

C = 180 - 63.167 - 44.5
C ≈ 180 - 63.167 - 44.5
C ≈ 72.333 degrees

So, the possible solution for triangle ABC is:

A = 63° 10'
B ≈ 44.5°
C ≈ 72.333°
a = 17
b = 18
c ≈ 32.953

To solve the triangle ABC, we can use the law of sines, which states that the ratio of the length of a side to the sine of the opposite angle is the same for all three sides of a triangle.

In this case, we are given angle A as 63 degrees 10 minutes (63° 10'), side b as 18, and side a as 17.

Here are the steps to solve the triangle:

1. Convert the given angle A from degrees and minutes to decimal degrees:
A = 63° 10' = 63 + (10/60) = 63.167 degrees

2. Apply the law of sines to find the measure of angle B:
sin(B) / b = sin(A) / a

sin(B) / 18 = sin(63.167) / 17

We can cross-multiply and solve for sin(B):
sin(B) = (18 * sin(63.167)) / 17

Taking the inverse sine of sin(B) will give us the measure of angle B:
B = arcsin[(18 * sin(63.167)) / 17]

After calculating arcsin, we get B ≈ 86.546 degrees

3. To find the measure of angle C, we can use the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees:
C = 180 - A - B
= 180 - 63.167 - 86.546

After calculation, we get C ≈ 30.287 degrees

Now we have solved the triangle ABC.
Angle A = 63° 10'
Angle B ≈ 86.546 degrees
Angle C ≈ 30.287 degrees
Side a = 17
Side b = 18