The width of a swimming pool is 18.5 ft, and the length is 10.75 ft. Write the ratio of length to width as ratio of whole numbers.

Is the right answer 5/9?

Close, but no.

Reduce the fraction 1075/1850 to lowest terms. Start by dividing top and bottom by 25.

1075/1850 = 43/74

Since 43 is prime, that is as far as you can go.

negative 9 times 5 over negative 3

To find the ratio of length to width as a ratio of whole numbers, we need to simplify the given ratio. The length is 10.75 ft and the width is 18.5 ft.

We can simplify the ratio by dividing both the length and width by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor for 10.75 and 18.5 is 0.25.

Dividing 10.75 by 0.25, we get 43. Dividing 18.5 by 0.25, we get 74.

Therefore, the simplified ratio of length to width as a ratio of whole numbers is 43:74.

So, the right answer is not 5/9; it is 43:74.