Can anyone help me with finding Standard Deviation in Excel?

I have about 20 entries of different house prices, and I need to find the standard deviation. I know you had to enter something like 'SDEV=" but I can't remember.

Never mind, I found it, you type =STDEV and highlight the values.

Good for you!

Whenever I use Excel and run into something I don't know how to do, I just press the F1 key and ask my question. I may have to ask it two or three different ways, but most of the time it takes only one. The HELP system in Microsoft programs is quite good.


Of course, I can help you with finding the Standard Deviation in Excel!

To calculate the standard deviation, you can use the STDEV function in Excel. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by entering your data set of house prices into a column in Excel. Let's say you have entered the 20 house prices in column A, starting from cell A1.

2. In an empty cell where you want the standard deviation result to appear, type the following formula:

In this example, we are assuming that your data is from cell A1 to A20. Make sure to adjust the range accordingly to match your data.

3. Press Enter, and Excel will calculate the standard deviation based on your data set. The result will be displayed in the cell where you entered the formula.

It's important to note that the STDEV function in Excel calculates the sample standard deviation. If you want to calculate the population standard deviation, you can use the function STDEVP instead. The usage of these two functions is similar.

Remember, you don't need to manually input the formula as I've shown. You can directly type "=STDEV(" (without quotes) in any empty cell, select the range of data, and close the bracket. Excel will automatically complete the formula after you select the data range.

I hope this helps you find the standard deviation for your house prices data in Excel! Let me know if you have any further questions.