of cesium, Cs, hafnium, Hf, and gold, Au, which element has the smallest atomic radius? explain in terms of trends in periodic table?

also which element is most electronegative among C, N, O, Br and S? Which group does it belong to?

Gold because it has the most positive electrons in that period to keep the orbits of the electrons closer to the nucleus.

In terms of atomic radius, the trend in the periodic table is that atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period and increases from top to bottom within a group. Cesium (Cs) is at the far left of the periodic table in Group 1, Hafnium (Hf) is located in Group 4, and Gold (Au) is situated in Group 11. Based on this trend, cesium would have the largest atomic radius among these elements, whereas gold would have the smallest atomic radius.

Regarding electronegativity, electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group on the periodic table. Among the elements C (carbon), N (nitrogen), O (oxygen), Br (bromine), and S (sulfur), oxygen (O) is the most electronegative element. Oxygen belongs to Group 16, also known as the chalcogens.

To determine which element has the smallest atomic radius among cesium (Cs), hafnium (Hf), and gold (Au), we need to consider the trends in the periodic table.

The atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period and increases down a group on the periodic table.

Among Cs, Hf, and Au, we can see that cesium (Cs) is located at the far left of the periodic table in Group 1 (alkali metals), hafnium (Hf) is located in the middle in Group 4 (transition metals), and gold (Au) is situated towards the right in Group 11 (transition metals).

Since cesium (Cs) is located at the far left of the periodic table in Group 1, it has the largest atomic radius among these elements. Hafnium (Hf) is in the middle and has a smaller atomic radius than cesium. Lastly, gold (Au), being positioned towards the right of the periodic table, has a smaller atomic radius compared to both cesium and hafnium.

Therefore, gold (Au) has the smallest atomic radius among cesium (Cs), hafnium (Hf), and gold (Au).

Moving on to the second part of your question, to determine the most electronegative element among carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), bromine (Br), and sulfur (S), we need to examine the trends in electronegativity values.

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's tendency to attract electrons when it forms a chemical bond. Generally, electronegativity values increase as we move across a period from left to right and decrease as we move down a group on the periodic table.

Among the given elements, oxygen (O) is the most electronegative. Oxygen is located towards the upper-right of the periodic table in Group 16 (chalcogens). It has the highest electronegativity value among carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, bromine, and sulfur.

In summary, oxygen (O) is the most electronegative element among carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), bromine (Br), and sulfur (S). It belongs to Group 16 (chalcogens) on the periodic table.