Hi. I was wondering if someone could help me find information on historical masquerade balls and how they were traditionally held. I can't seem to find any information anywhere. Just modern party supplies kinda junk. Thanks!



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masquerade_ball (Be sure to check out all the links included.)

Those weren't very helpful.

If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:



Hello! I'd be happy to help you find information on historical masquerade balls. When searching for specific historical information, it can sometimes be challenging to sift through the abundance of modern content. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find reliable sources on historical masquerade balls:

1. Define your search terms: Begin by using specific and relevant keywords to guide your search. For example, you can use terms like "historical masquerade balls," "traditional masquerade balls," or specify the time period or location you are interested in, such as "18th-century masquerade balls" or "Venetian masquerade balls."

2. Utilize academic databases: To access more reliable and scholarly information, try searching through academic databases. Some popular databases you can use are JSTOR, Google Scholar, or the Online Library of Congress. These databases provide access to peer-reviewed articles, books, and historical archives.

3. Search in libraries or archives: Local libraries and archives often have extensive collections of books, primary sources, and historical documents. You can inquire with your local library about books or documents related to masquerade balls or search online catalogs of renowned libraries like the British Library or the Library of Congress.

4. Explore museum resources: Museums that specialize in art, fashion, or history may have curated exhibitions or online resources related to masquerade balls. Check websites of well-known museums or contact them directly to inquire about any available information.

5. Consult historical journals or books: Look for publications dedicated to historical and cultural studies. Search for journals like "Costume," "Journal of Social History," or "Art History" that may have articles specifically discussing masquerade balls. Additionally, books on social history, fashion history, or specific time periods can provide valuable insights into the traditions and practices of masquerade balls.

6. Look for primary sources: Primary sources, such as diaries, letters, or historical documents, can offer firsthand accounts and descriptions of masquerade balls. Websites like Project Gutenberg or Archive.org often have free digital versions of public domain books that might include relevant primary sources.

Remember that it may require some patience and persistence to find the information you are seeking. Evaluate your sources for credibility by checking the author's credentials, publication date, and if it underwent any peer review process. Don't hesitate to reach out to experts in relevant fields or online historical communities for guidance on your research as well.