how does mead johnson use segmentation on it's website

To understand how Mead Johnson utilizes segmentation on its website, we can follow these steps:

1. Visit Mead Johnson's website: Start by navigating to the official Mead Johnson's website (

2. Analyze the main navigation menu: This can usually be found at the top of the website. Look for any sections or categories that indicate specific audience segments, such as "Parents," "Healthcare Professionals," or "Products."

3. Explore the content tailored to different segments: Click on the relevant segments found in the navigation menu to explore the content created specifically for those segments. For example, if you click on the "Parents" section, you might find resources, articles, or product information aimed at parents.

4. Look for personalized messaging: Pay attention to any personalized messages or recommendations that may appear after you indicate your segment or preferences. These could include tailored product recommendations, parenting tips, or relevant articles based on the segment you identify with.

5. Analyze the language and visuals used: Observe the language, tone, and visuals used on different pages of the website. They often reflect the specific segment being targeted. For example, content targeting healthcare professionals might use more technical language and include research studies, while content for parents might be more supportive, highlighting benefits for children.

6. Explore interactive tools or quizzes: Some websites use interactive tools or quizzes to help visitors understand which products or resources are suitable for them. Check if Mead Johnson uses any of these features to further segment its audience.

By following these steps, you can analyze how Mead Johnson employs segmentation on its website to cater to different audience segments, tailor content, and provide personalized experiences. Keep in mind that websites are often updated and redesigned, so the segmentation strategy may evolve over time.