Please evaluate argument.

Premises: Although exercise may provide temporary relief for mild, moderate and even severe depressed moods.
Premises: There are many cases when it fail to make the symptoms and problems go away completely.
Conclusion: Therefore exercise has the potential to reduce symptoms temporarily without effectively eliminating them.

The conclusion ought to be

Therefore exercise may have the ....
See Premise One.

To evaluate this argument, we need to analyze the premises and the conclusion.

1. Exercise may provide temporary relief for mild, moderate, and severe depressed moods.
2. There are many cases where exercise fails to completely eliminate the symptoms and problems.

Therefore, exercise has the potential to reduce symptoms temporarily without effectively eliminating them.

The first premise states that exercise can provide temporary relief for different levels of depressed moods. This implies that exercise has some positive effect on improving depressed moods.

The second premise acknowledges that exercise is not always successful in completely eliminating symptoms and problems associated with depression. This suggests that exercise may not be a foolproof solution for every individual experiencing depression.

The conclusion drawn from these premises is that exercise can reduce symptoms temporarily without effectively eliminating them. It is important to note that the conclusion does not claim exercise to be ineffective or useless, but rather recognizes its limitations in completely eradicating depression.

To evaluate this argument, one must consider the strength of the premises and the logical connection between them. Additionally, it is crucial to examine any existing research or evidence supporting the claims made in the premises.

A comprehensive evaluation of this argument would require examining scientific studies, medical research, and expert opinions to determine the effectiveness of exercise in alleviating depressive symptoms.