I need to know how to create a table that lays out a day-by-day plan to use as a job aid for an employment search, spanning 3 weeks

You will need at least 21 columns (3 weeks + at least one for a label for rows).

Each column is then 1 day of the job search.
For the rows think of the activities that you might need to do for a job search, e.g. write resume(CV), search Ads, write letter(s), go for interview(s)
Use the rows to put in lines or bars for the length of time of the activity. Remember that you can't start some activities before you have started others, while some can happen at the same time.

Hope this helps.

I a need help creating a table, how does it suppose to look?

Resume Job-application letter Interview Follow-up letter


To create a table for a day-by-day plan spanning three weeks, you can use a spreadsheet tool like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other software that provides spreadsheet capabilities. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Open your preferred spreadsheet software and create a new blank document.

2. Set up the table structure: Allocate columns for each category you want to include in your plan, such as Date, Task/Activity, Time Slot, Description, and Notes. You can add or customize these columns based on your specific needs.

3. Create the headers for each column by typing them in the first row. For example, in the first column, input "Date," in the second column, "Task/Activity," and so on.

4. Starting from the second row, input the relevant information for each day of the three-week period. Begin with the first column by entering the date for each day.

5. Move across the row and enter the task or activity you plan to do on that given day into the respective column.

6. Continue filling out the table, adding time slots, descriptions, and any additional columns you may have included.

7. Customize the table by adjusting the font size, formatting cells, adding borders, or applying color to make it visually appealing and easy to read.

8. Optionally, you can add formulas or conditional formatting to automatically highlight or track important tasks.

9. Save your table and consider printing a copy or keeping it easily accessible on a digital device for reference during your employment search.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a table that lays out a day-by-day plan for your employment search, spanning three weeks.