sorry i will improve my english which is correct of this equation reactants---products products=reactants reactants=sum or sum----reactants i just do not get this

No problem! I'm here to help you understand. In a chemical equation, the reactants are the substances that react with each other, and the products are the substances that are formed after the reaction occurs. The correct representation of a chemical equation is:

Reactants -> Products

This means that the reactants on the left side of the arrow undergo a chemical reaction, and the resulting products are shown on the right side of the arrow. The arrow indicates the direction of the reaction.

As for your second question, if you see "sum" written above the arrow, it means that all the reactants on the left side are added together before the reaction occurs. The sum is then converted into the products. On the other hand, if "sum" is written above the products (right side of the arrow), it means that the products are added together before the reaction occurs, and the resulting sum is the reactant.

To better understand this concept, it's helpful to look at specific examples. Let's take the reaction of hydrogen gas (H2) with oxygen gas (O2) to form water (H2O):

H2 + O2 -> H2O

In this example, the reactants are hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2), while water (H2O) is the product. There is no "sum" written in this equation because the reactants are individual elements or compounds, and they do not need to be added together before the reaction occurs.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of reactants and products in a chemical equation. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!