i need a sentence for cross-examination

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Do you need to use "cross-examination" in a sentence?

Look it up and you'll get meanings as well as sample uses.


After my daughter returned home late at night through her window, she was cross-examined by her mom for over an hour.

Sure! Here's a sentence for cross-examination: "Could you please explain the discrepancy between your sworn testimony and the evidence presented in this case?"

If you'd like to learn how to come up with sentences for cross-examination on your own, here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Assess the purpose: Determine the purpose of the cross-examination. Are you trying to challenge the witness's credibility, highlight inconsistencies, or elicit admissions that support your case?

2. Identify key areas: Review the witness's testimony and identify key areas that are relevant to your case. Look for inconsistencies, weaknesses, or opportunities to establish doubt.

3. Prepare specific questions: Develop specific questions that will support your purpose. It's important to make your questions concise, clear, and focused. Use the witness's own words to hold them accountable for their previous statements.

4. Use leading questions: When cross-examining, it is common to use leading questions that suggest the desired response. This technique allows you to control the narrative and bring attention to certain aspects of the case.

5. Tailor the questions to the witness: Customize your questions based on the witness's background, expertise, and role in the case. This will help you maximize the impact of your cross-examination.

Remember, effective cross-examination requires careful preparation, a deep understanding of the case, and the ability to think quickly on your feet.