The density of water is one gram per cubic cenitimeter. What is density of water in pounds per liter?

To find the density of water in pounds per liter, we need to convert the given density of one gram per cubic centimeter to pounds per liter.

First, let's convert the density from grams to pounds. We know that 1 pound is equal to 453.592 grams.

To convert grams to pounds, we divide the given density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter by the conversion factor:

1 gram / 453.592 grams per pound = 0.00220462 pounds

Now, we need to convert the density from cubic centimeters to liters. We know that 1 liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters.

To convert cubic centimeters to liters, we divide the given density of 0.00220462 pounds by the conversion factor:

0.00220462 pounds / 1000 cubic centimeters per liter = 0.00000220462 pounds per liter

Therefore, the density of water in pounds per liter is approximately 0.00000220462 pounds per liter.