what happens to the three men that Odysseus sends to scout out the land?

They died.

By the time Odysseus reached his homeland (island of Ithaca), he had lost everything -- his ships, his men, his weapons, even his clothing. Very symbolic!


To find out what happens to the three men that Odysseus sends to scout out the land, we need to refer to the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer. Here's how you can discover the fate of these men:

1. **Read the source material**: Turn to a reliable edition or translation of "The Odyssey" and start reading. Look for the specific section where Odysseus sends the three men to scout out the land. You can try reading the original Greek version or a translated version in a language you are comfortable with.

2. **Identify the relevant section**: Once you have found the appropriate portion of the poem, pay close attention to the details such as the names of the characters involved, the location, and any important events or interactions that take place during the scouting mission. This will help you understand the outcome.

3. **Analyze the events**: Carefully analyze what happens after Odysseus sends the three men to scout the land. Consider any encounters with people or creatures, obstacles faced, and the actions of the men themselves. Make note of any important information that might affect their fate.

4. **Interpret the narrative**: Based on your analysis, you should be able to determine what happens to the three men. Look for clues in the text that suggest their outcome, such as descriptions of their actions or reactions of other characters (like Odysseus or the gods). Keep in mind that these stories often have symbolic or metaphorical elements, so read between the lines if necessary.

5. **Consult study guides or scholarly interpretations**: If you are having trouble interpreting the text on your own, you can refer to study guides or scholarly interpretations of "The Odyssey." These resources may offer analysis, explanations, or different interpretations of the events in the poem.

By following these steps, you should be able to uncover what happens to the three men that Odysseus sends to scout out the land in "The Odyssey."