I have an oral exam tommoorrow and I am problems translating what the questions are asking? Then i have to answer them

I have 4 questions that I can't seem to understand.

1. Que tipo de ejercicio haces para llevar una vida sana?

2. como preparas para la escuela por las mananas? (use verbos reflexivos)

3. Como te sientes hoy?

# 4 Situaciones:

you and your friend are discussing what you did on vacation:

you: Ask your friend what s/he did on vacation.

Your friend: Answer your friend's question and ask what s/he did on vacation.

You: Ask what your friend plans to do this summer.

Your friend: Say where you would like to go and what you would like to do

1: What type of exercise do you do in order to live a healthy life?

2: How do you prepare for school in the morning? (use reflexive verbs)
3: How do you feel today?

Y: Que hiciste para las vacaciones?
F: Hice (action). Que hiciste tu?
Y: Que planes tienes este verano?
T: Me gustaria ir (place) y queria hacer (activity).

Marielle gave you good help. Just be sure you have the necessary accent marks & punctuation.

¿Aué hiciste, etc.?
¿Qué hiciste tú?
¿Qué planes, etc.?
Me gustaría a (place) y quería (activity)


1. To understand the first question, "Que tipo de ejercicio haces para llevar una vida sana?" (What type of exercise do you do to lead a healthy life?), you can break it down into smaller parts.

- "Que tipo de ejercicio": This part is asking about the type of exercise you do.
- "haces": This is the verb form of "hacer," which means "do." It is used to ask what you do specifically.
- "para llevar una vida sana": This part is asking for the purpose or goal of your exercise, which is to lead a healthy life.

To answer this question, think about the different types of exercise you engage in for a healthy lifestyle. It could include activities like running, swimming, yoga, or weightlifting. Be prepared to explain why you find these exercises beneficial for your overall well-being.

2. The second question, "¿Cómo te preparas para la escuela por las mañanas? (How do you prepare for school in the mornings?), is asking for your morning routine.

- "Cómo te preparas": This part is asking how you prepare.
- "para la escuela": This specifies that it is in preparation for school.
- "por las mañanas": This indicates that it is specifically about your morning routine.

To answer this question, consider the steps you take to get ready for school in the mornings. For example, you might mention that you wake up, take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, and gather your school materials. Remember to use reflexive verbs like "levantarse" (to get up) or "vestirse" (to get dressed) to show that you are doing these actions to yourself.

3. The third question is "¿Cómo te sientes hoy?" (How do you feel today?). To understand this question, break it down:

- "Cómo te sientes": This part is asking about how you feel.
- "hoy": This specifies that it is about how you feel today.

To answer this question, think about your current emotional or physical state. You can mention adjectives like "bien" (well), "feliz" (happy), "cansado/a" (tired), or any other appropriate words to describe your feelings for the day.

For the situations, here are the instructions to understand and answer them:

4. In the first situation, it states that you need to ask your friend what they did on vacation. Simply ask: "¿Qué hiciste en tus vacaciones?" (What did you do on your vacation?)

5. Your friend's response is to answer your question and ask what you did on vacation. They might say: "Yo fui a la playa y visité a mi familia. ¿Y tú, qué hiciste en tus vacaciones?" (I went to the beach and visited my family. And you, what did you do on your vacation?)

6. In response, you need to ask what your friend plans to do this summer. Simply ask: "¿Qué planes tienes para este verano?" (What plans do you have for this summer?)

7. Lastly, your friend should say where they would like to go and what they would like to do. They might say: "Me gustaría ir a las montañas y hacer senderismo." (I would like to go to the mountains and go hiking.)

Remember to practice these responses and modify them to fit your personal experiences and preferences. Good luck with your oral exam!