Ok this is what i got for the grams part now....

Total mass is 20.14 + 51.64 + 11.34 + 15.06 = 98.18
%H2O = (20.14/98.18)*100 = 20.51%
%C2O4 = (51.64/98.18)*100 = 52.60%
% Fe 3+ = (11.34/98.15) * 100= 11.55%
% K + = (15.06/98.15) * 100 = 15.43 %
20.51 g H2O, 52.60 g C2O4 11.55 g Fe 3+, 15.43 g K+

you said redo the mols and percent... can you give me an example of how please

Take a 100 g sample; therefore, we will have the following:

20.51 g H2O.
52.60 g C2O4.
11.55 g Fe^+3.Note: you typed 98.15 but apparently divided by 98.18).
15.43 g K^+. Note: you typed 98.15, it should be 98.15--which gives the same number--BUT, I think you transposed the numbers. It should be 15.34. The reason I spotted this is that the percentages didn't add to 100%. I ALWAYS check to make sure they do before I go to the next part of the problem.

Convert these to mols.
mols H2O = 20.51/molar mass = 20.51/18.015 = ??
Find mols of the other entities, then find the ratio of the mols of each to each other. The easy way to do this is to divide the smallest number by itself, then divide all the other numbers by the same small number, to keep the equality. If the answers are close to whole numbers, round them to whole numbers and uou have the formula of the compound. I think you will get some numbers close to 1/2 and if so you can't throw those away by rounding. In that case, just multiply everything through by 2 to get the whole number.

Sure! Let's go through an example of how to calculate the number of moles and the percent composition for one of the compounds in your given data. Let's take the compound H2O as an example.

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of H2O.
To find the number of moles of H2O, we can use the formula:

moles = mass / molar mass

Given that the mass of H2O is 20.14 g and the molar mass of H2O is 18.015 g/mol, we can calculate the number of moles as follows:

moles of H2O = 20.14 g / 18.015 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the percent composition of H2O.
To find the percent composition of H2O, we need to divide the mass of H2O by the total mass of the compound, and then multiply by 100.

percent composition of H2O = (mass of H2O / total mass of the compound) * 100

Given that the mass of H2O is 20.14 g and the total mass of the compound is 98.18 g, we can calculate the percent composition as follows:

percent composition of H2O = (20.14 g / 98.18 g) * 100

Now you can follow these steps to calculate the number of moles and the percent composition for the other compounds in your given data: C2O4, Fe3+, and K+.