You receive an e-mail from your favorite niece requesting some help with her school history project. She says because you are in the law enforcement field, you are the perfect choice to help her with her report. Her topic is historical figures in police history, and she asks you for any information you might remember about important people in the development of law enforcement as we know it today. Reply to your niece’s e-mail by giving a brief history of important individuals in the evolution of policing in the United States. Describe the impact of their most important contributions.

We'll be glad to critique your answer.

Subject: Historical Figures in the Evolution of Policing in the United States

Dear [Niece's Name],

I am thrilled that you reached out to me for help with your school project. It's wonderful to see your interest in law enforcement and history. I'm more than happy to share some information about historical figures who have played significant roles in shaping the development of policing in the United States. Understanding their contributions will give you a deeper understanding of how law enforcement has evolved over time.

1. Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850): Sir Robert Peel, often referred to as the founder of modern policing, was a British statesman who introduced the concept of a professional police force. His most notable contribution was the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 in London. This act created the first modern police force, known as "Bobbies." Peel emphasized the importance of community cooperation and prevention rather than just reactive law enforcement. His principles, known as the "Peelian Principles," laid the foundation for modern policing worldwide.

2. August Vollmer (1876-1955): August Vollmer, also known as the "father of modern policing in America," was an American police chief. He significantly influenced the development of policing by advocating for higher education for police officers and professional training. Vollmer introduced the use of fingerprinting as a forensic tool, pioneered the use of police radios, and implemented advancements in crime scene investigation techniques. By raising the standards and professionalizing law enforcement, Vollmer helped transform policing into a respected and effective institution.

3. J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972): J. Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and played a crucial role in shaping law enforcement at the federal level. Under Hoover's leadership for nearly five decades, the FBI evolved into a complex and highly effective crime-fighting organization. He emphasized scientific investigation techniques and established the FBI Laboratory. Additionally, Hoover prioritized the professional development of agents through training programs and expanded the scope of federal law enforcement to include organized crime, civil rights violations, and national security matters.

4. Ruby Bradley (1907-2002): Ruby Bradley was an Army nurse during World War II and the Korean War. Although not a traditional law enforcement figure, she significantly impacted policing through her work as a war crimes investigator. Bradley's meticulous documentation and collection of evidence from war zones established new standards for forensic science in criminal investigations. Her pioneering efforts laid the groundwork for modern forensic techniques and evidentiary practices used by law enforcement agencies today.

By studying these historical figures, you will grasp the pivotal contributions made by each individual in the evolution of modern policing. It is important to remember that their advancements in community policing, professionalization, forensic techniques, and federal law enforcement play an integral role in shaping law enforcement as we know it today.

I hope this information provides you with a solid starting point for your project. If you need more specific details or have any other questions, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your history report!

Best regards,
[Your Name]