What are two conditions thet must be met for sexual reproduction to occur?

Why is it important that only one sperm fertilizes the egg?

List the following stages of human debelopment in order.

In response to your second question, different species have different numbers of chromosomes. For humans, this would be a diploid number of 46. If a second sperm entered the egg, then the chromosome number would be 46 + 23 = 69. If the organism was viable, it would be another species.

For your first question, probably there are many conditions necessary for sexual reproduction. However, meiosis would be a must, and I would probability pick fertilziation — combination of the two haploid cells, sperm and egg — as the second condition.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

I have answered the 3rd question but still need help on the other two...

Thank you PsyDAG

To find the answer to the first question, you can search for the conditions required for sexual reproduction. One reliable source is biology textbooks or educational websites that discuss reproduction and sexual reproduction. By consulting these sources, you will find that the two conditions that must be met for sexual reproduction to occur are the presence of both male and female gametes (sperm and egg) and the fusion or fertilization of these gametes.

Regarding the second question, a search for the importance of only one sperm fertilizing the egg can lead you to scientific articles or biology resources. By researching this topic, you will learn that only one sperm can fertilize the egg because a fusion of more than one sperm would result in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the resulting zygote, leading to developmental abnormalities or cell death.

To determine the correct order of the stages of human development, you can either refer to biology textbooks or search online for reliable sources about human embryonic development. By doing so, you will find that the correct order is:

(b) Zygote
(e) Morula
(a) Blastula
(d) Gastrula
(c) Fetus