3a. Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

3b. Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
my answer is A. Please explain

A is correct. Reason is subject-verb agreement.

thank you

You're welcome!


In order to determine whether the correct option is A or B, we need to analyze the subject-verb agreement in the sentence and consider the context.

The subject of the sentence is "Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store". This subject is plural because it refers to multiple vitamins.

Now let's consider the verb. In option A, the verb is "are" which is the correct form of the verb for a plural subject like "Vitamins". Option A therefore correctly maintains subject-verb agreement.

On the other hand, in option B, the verb is "is" which is the singular form of the verb. This does not agree with the plural subject "Vitamins". Therefore, option B is incorrect.

So, based on subject-verb agreement and the context of the sentence, option A is the correct choice: "Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration."