what is an example of prejudicial and non prejudicial?


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Prejudicial and non prejudicial WHAT?

prejudicial and nonprejudicial use of rhetorical devices? Provide an example of each

Prejudicial refers to having a biased or unfair opinion about someone or something before having sufficient evidence or knowledge. On the other hand, non-prejudicial means being impartial and basing one's opinion on facts and evidence rather than preconceived notions.

Here's an example to help illustrate the difference:

Prejudicial Example: Imagine someone forming an opinion about a person based solely on their appearance. Let's say they see someone wearing baggy clothing and assume that the person is lazy or a troublemaker. This prejudiced view is formed without any real evidence or understanding of the person's character or capabilities.

Non-Prejudicial Example: Now, let's consider a scenario where someone is forming an opinion after gathering sufficient information and considering multiple perspectives. For instance, an employer conducting job interviews for a position doesn't make any assumptions about the applicants based on their gender, race, or age. Instead, they review the candidates' qualifications, experience, and interview performance to make an unbiased decision.

To avoid being prejudicial, it is essential to gather reliable information, evaluate it objectively, and avoid making hasty judgments based on stereotypes or preconceived notions.