I am writing a rhetorical analysis on Ronald Reagan's speech " A Time fo Choosing" and I need some help forming a thesis statement for my paper. Can anyone help me?


This site will give you some ideas for writing a rhetorical analysis.


When I read this speech, I was struck by how much of what Reagan said could be applied to today. You might also use this sentence near the end:

"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."


Of course! I can help you with that. When crafting a thesis statement for a rhetorical analysis, it's important to showcase your central argument and highlight the rhetorical strategies used in the speech you're analyzing. Here's a step-by-step approach to formulating a strong thesis statement for your paper on Ronald Reagan's speech, "A Time for Choosing":

1. Familiarize yourself with the speech: Begin by reading and analyzing the speech carefully. Identify the main ideas, rhetorical devices, persuasive techniques, and the overall tone and purpose of Reagan's speech.

2. Identify the key rhetorical features: Make a list of the rhetorical strategies used by Reagan to convey his message effectively. Look for elements such as ethos (credibility), pathos (emotions), logos (logic/reasoning), rhetorical appeals, tone, imagery, and figurative language.

3. Reflect on the speech's effectiveness: Consider how Reagan's use of rhetorical strategies contributes to the overall impact and persuasive quality of the speech. Does he effectively appeal to his target audience? Does he successfully communicate his political message?

4. Formulate your thesis statement: Based on your analysis, consider what you want to argue or prove about the speech. Your thesis statement should be a concise summary of your main argument. It should highlight the specific rhetorical strategies used by Reagan and their overall effectiveness in persuading the audience. For example:

"By utilizing a compelling mix of ethos, pathos, and logos, Ronald Reagan's 'A Time for Choosing' effectively persuades the audience through his inspiring rhetoric, strategic framing of societal issues, and masterful use of emotional appeals."

Remember that this is just a general example, and your thesis statement should reflect the specific points you plan to discuss in your paper.

Finally, it's crucial to support your thesis statement with evidence from the speech itself. Analyze and provide examples of Reagan's rhetorical devices and explain how they contribute to the overall purpose and impact of his speech. Good luck with your paper!