Standard International Diversified Corporation owns assets in Tagistan, a new country in Asia. The government of Tagistan wants to nationalize all assets owned by foreign firms and investors. What can Standard do? Can it at least obtain payment for the assets?

In a scenario where the government of Tagistan wants to nationalize all assets owned by foreign firms and investors, including those owned by Standard International Diversified Corporation, there are few options available to Standard. However, it's important to note that the specific legal, political, and economic circumstances of Tagistan would greatly affect the available options and outcomes.

1. Negotiate: Standard can engage in negotiations with the government of Tagistan to potentially mitigate the impact of nationalization. This could involve discussions about fair compensation for the assets being expropriated.

2. Legal recourse: Standard may consider seeking legal recourse under either international or domestic law. This could involve filing a claim for compensation or damages through international arbitration or domestic courts. It is crucial to consult with legal experts who are knowledgeable in international investment law to explore the feasibility of such options.

3. Seek diplomatic intervention: Standard could reach out to its home country's diplomatic channels or international organizations to seek diplomatic intervention or assistance in resolving the issue. This could involve diplomatic negotiations or diplomatic pressure to engage the government of Tagistan.

4. Political lobbying: Standard may choose to engage in political lobbying efforts to influence domestic or international governmental bodies to apply pressure on the government of Tagistan to reconsider or modify its nationalization plans.

While these options exist in theory, it's important to acknowledge that the success and effectiveness of any action will be dependent on various factors such as the legal framework, political climate, and the willingness of the government of Tagistan to engage in negotiations or compromise.