Heat energy does not always cause a change in temperature of a substance. Heat energy can be stored. Stored energy is called ______. Food contains stored enregy


chemical energy?

Stored energy is called potential energy. In the context of food, the stored energy is referred to as chemical potential energy.

To understand why heat energy does not always cause a change in temperature, it's important to consider the concept of heat capacity. Heat capacity is a measure of how much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. Different substances have different heat capacities.

When heat is added to a substance, it can increase the kinetic energy of its particles. This increase in kinetic energy is known as thermal energy. If the substance has a high heat capacity, it can absorb a relatively large amount of heat energy without undergoing a significant change in temperature. On the other hand, substances with low heat capacities will experience a greater change in temperature for the same amount of heat energy added.

In the case of food, when it is eaten and metabolized by our bodies, the stored chemical potential energy is released and converted into thermal energy through the process of digestion. This thermal energy helps to maintain our body temperature and fuels various biological processes.

In summary, heat energy does not always cause a change in temperature because substances have different heat capacities. The stored energy in food is referred to as chemical potential energy, which is released and converted into thermal energy during digestion.