
-Psychodynamic Theory
-Trait Theory
-Learning Theory
-Humanistic Theory

E. Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers.
A. psychodynamic theory


To match the statement "Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers" with the correct theory, we need to look at the descriptions of each theory.

Psychodynamic Theory:
- Focuses on unconscious processes and childhood experiences shaping personality
- Developed by Sigmund Freud and his followers

Trait Theory:
- Focuses on identifying and measuring personality traits
- Includes theories like the Big Five (extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience)

Learning Theory:
- Emphasizes the role of conditioning and observable behaviors in shaping personality
- Includes behaviorism and social learning theory

Humanistic Theory:
- Focuses on personal growth, self-actualization, and individual potential
- Promoted by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

Sociocultural Theory:
- Emphasizes the influence of cultural and social factors on personality development
- Considers the role of social norms, values, and expectations in shaping personality

Based on the descriptions, the theory that matches the statement "Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers" is the Humanistic Theory (option D).