Please check this question for me thanks

What method of sterilization uses the same agents as are used to disinfect instruments ?

A dry heat
B gas
C chemical
D surgial asepisis

I pick C

Did you look up the meaning of aspeisis, which is misspelled = asepsis and the adjective aseptic?

To verify the correct answer and explain how to get it, let's look at each option and understand the question.

The question is asking for the method of sterilization that uses the same agents as those used to disinfect instruments.

A) Dry heat: Dry heat sterilization involves heating instruments at high temperatures for a specific time. While disinfection can also be achieved with dry heat, the question is specifically asking for the method of sterilization, which eliminates all microorganisms.

B) Gas: Gas sterilization, often using ethylene oxide, is commonly used to sterilize heat-sensitive materials. However, the agents used in gas sterilization are different from those used in disinfection.

C) Chemical: This appears to be the correct answer. Some chemical agents used for disinfection, such as chlorine compounds or hydrogen peroxide, can also be used for sterilization. Chemical sterilization can be achieved through soaking, immersing, or spraying objects with the appropriate solution.

D) Surgical asepsis: Surgical asepsis refers to the practice of creating and maintaining a sterile environment during surgical procedures. While it is important to sterilize instruments for surgical asepsis, the question asks specifically about the use of agents that are the same as those used for disinfection.

By analyzing each option, it is apparent that option C (chemical) is the answer, as it satisfies the condition of using the same agents for disinfection and sterilization.