What gropu was largely responsible for funding the builing of the railroad system in the U.S.?

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The group largely responsible for funding the building of the railroad system in the U.S. was the federal government, particularly through the passage of several acts by Congress in the 19th century. One crucial legislation was the Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864, which authorized the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad. These acts provided federal support in the form of land grants and loans to the railroad companies.

To find this information, you can start by researching the development of the railroad system in the U.S. during the 19th century. Reliable sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or reputable websites can provide in-depth information about the funding and the groups involved. Additionally, you can look into the specific acts of Congress related to the construction of the railroad system. Government archives, online databases, or books focusing on the history of transportation in the United States can provide further insights.