Ugh... I have this homework on static electricity and i need to make a description in my own words. this is the description it gives me and im just wondering what duz it mean.

BTW, I don't want any useless online translators please.

Un composant d'un circuit électrique: un composant d'un circuit électrique est tout dispositif ou appareil présent dans un circuit électrique. Dans le circuit que tu as construit, l'ampoule était un composant.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This is the English of what you have in French.

A component of an electrical circuit: a component of an electrical circuit is any device or apparatus present in an electrical circuit. In the circuit that you have built, the ampoule (electric bulb) was a component.

BTW if you are studying French, with a good dictionary (French--->English/English--->French) you should have been able to translate some, if not all, of this!
