Which type of radiation ; alpha, beta, and gamma produces the least change in mass number? In atomic number?

beta is electron --> no change in mass # or atomic #

gamma also gives no change
alpha is 2 protns, two neutrons, chage of 4 in mass # and change of 2 in atomic #

To determine which type of radiation causes the least change in mass number and atomic number, we need to understand what these terms mean in the context of radiation.

- Mass number (A): This represents the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
- Atomic number (Z): This represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Now, let's examine each type of radiation and its effect on mass number and atomic number:

1. Alpha radiation (α):
- Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, which are essentially helium nuclei.
- When an alpha particle is emitted, the mass number decreases by 4 (as two protons and two neutrons are lost).
- The atomic number decreases by 2 (as two protons are lost).

2. Beta radiation (β):
- Beta particles can be either electrons (β-) or positrons (β+).
- When a beta particle is emitted, it has a negligible impact on the mass number.
- The atomic number changes by 1: β- decay increases the atomic number by 1 (as a neutron is converted into a proton), while β+ decay decreases the atomic number by 1 (as a proton is converted into a neutron).

3. Gamma radiation (γ):
- Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.
- Gamma radiation has no direct effect on the mass number or atomic number of an atom. It does not involve the emission or absorption of particles.

Considering the above information, alpha radiation causes the most significant change in both the mass number and atomic number, as it involves the emission of an alpha particle (helium nucleus). Beta radiation only causes a minor change in the atomic number, while gamma radiation has no effect on either the mass number or atomic number.

Therefore, gamma radiation produces the least change in mass number and atomic number.