You expect to get forty miles to the gallon in that? Why, that old wreck has a monster V8; besides, it’s fifty years old and needs an overhaul.

a) true beyond a reasonable doubt
b) probably true
c) Possibly true or possibly false
The answer is (C) possibly true or possibly false - The car being old does not necessarily mean that it is not reliable. It could have been well handled and driven by one owner.

I agree. :-)

Thank you

To determine the answer, we need to understand the context provided in the statement. The statement claims that the car, despite being old and having a monster V8 engine, is expected to achieve forty miles per gallon.

To evaluate this claim, we can break it down into two parts: the expectation of getting forty miles to the gallon and the characteristics of the car.

Regarding the expectation of forty miles per gallon, we cannot definitively determine the accuracy without further information. It is possible that the car has been modified or tuned to improve fuel efficiency, or it might have a more fuel-efficient engine despite being older or having a large V8 engine. On the other hand, it is also possible that the expectation is unrealistic considering the age of the car and the type of engine it has.

As for the characteristics of the car, the statement mentions that it is fifty years old and needs an overhaul. These factors could indeed affect the car's performance, including fuel efficiency. Older vehicles, especially those in need of maintenance or an overhaul, might not achieve the same fuel efficiency as newer models. Moreover, a V8 engine typically consumes more fuel compared to smaller engines.

Based on this analysis, we cannot confidently conclude whether the claim is true or false. Therefore, the answer is (C) possibly true or possibly false. More information about the specific car and its condition would be needed to make a more accurate assessment.