How to I write out the number 1,077 out in words?

One thousand seventy-seven

The only time you should use the word "and" when you write you numbers in words is when you're indicating a decimal point --> one thousand seventy-seven and one tenth.

Should read: ... when you write out numbers in words ...


To write the number 1,077 in words, follow these steps:

1. Start by separating the number into its individual digits: 1, 0, 7, and 7.
2. Begin with the thousands place, which is the first digit from the left. In this case, the thousands place has a value of 1.
3. Write the corresponding word for the digit in the thousands place, which is "one."
4. After writing "one thousand," move to the hundreds place, which is the second digit from the left. In this case, the hundreds place has a value of 0.
5. Since the hundreds digit is 0, you can skip writing anything for this place.
6. Next, move to the tens place, which is the second-to-last digit. In this case, the tens place has a value of 7.
7. Write the corresponding word for the tens digit, which is "seventy."
8. Finally, move to the ones place, which is the last digit. In this case, the ones place also has a value of 7.
9. Write the corresponding word for the ones digit, which is "seven."

Putting all the words together, the number 1,077 can be written as "one thousand seventy-seven."