As students, we are endued with many leniencies that aren’t given in the real world most of which are taken for granted.

Endued is spelled endowed.

There are other problems with this sentence:

As students, we are endowed with many [what are leniencies???] which are taken for granted in the [real world]. What do you mean by "the real world"? Students don't live in the real world?? Please reconsider your wording.

i'm trying to say that while we are in school we are given a lot more opportunities to make up missed work, have extended deadlines, etc. Teachers are much more lenient with us then boss' of companies are. by "the real world" i mean life outside of the school environment.

It's true that as students, we often enjoy certain leniencies that are not commonly found in the "real world" or professional settings. These leniencies can vary depending on the specific context but often include things like more flexible schedules, fewer responsibilities, academic support, and access to resources and resources. These privileges, however, shouldn't be taken for granted, as they create opportunities for personal growth, education, and development.

If you're interested in exploring the specific leniencies that students often have, you can start by reflecting on your own experiences as a student. Consider the differences between your life as a student and what you perceive as the "real world." Ask yourself questions such as:

1. How does your schedule as a student compare to a typical workday in the professional world? Do you have more flexibility in choosing your classes and study times?
2. What types of support do you have access to as a student? Are there academic advisors, tutors, or mentors available to assist you with your studies?
3. What resources are provided to you as a student? Do you have access to libraries, online databases, research tools, or other facilities that may not be as readily available in the real world?
4. Are there any responsibilities or obligations that you have as a student that may not exist in the same way outside of academia? For example, are there specific rules or guidelines that you must follow as a student that may not apply to the workplace?

By considering these questions, you can gain a better understanding of the leniencies you have as a student and appreciate the opportunities and support that come with being in an educational setting.