Please help and Identify the rhetorical devices used by the sentence below and explain.

The bill would also adopt a federal ban on late-term procedures that opponents refer to as partial-birth abortions.

Thank you,

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Ms. Sue,

I belived, the rhetoricla device was euphemism because the late-term procedure was adopt. On the other way, the opposition refer to the different bill name.


The sentence provided uses two rhetorical devices: euphemism and antithesis.

1. Euphemism: The phrase "late-term procedures that opponents refer to as partial-birth abortions" is an example of euphemism. Euphemism is the use of a more indirect or less offensive expression to replace a word or phrase that might be considered harsh, taboo, or unpleasant. In this case, the term "partial-birth abortions" is being substituted with the less explicit phrase "late-term procedures" to soften the impact of the language used.

2. Antithesis: The sentence also employs antithesis, a rhetorical device that presents contrasting or opposite ideas in parallel structures. In this case, the opposing ideas are "the bill would adopt a federal ban" and "opponents refer to as partial-birth abortions." The contrast highlights the divergence of opinion on the subject and helps to emphasize the differing perspectives regarding the legislation.

To identify these rhetorical devices, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully to identify any words, phrases, or structures that stand out or may have a deeper meaning.
2. Determine if any of the identified elements serve to soften or substitute a more explicit or harsh expression (euphemism).
3. Look for contrasting or opposite ideas presented in parallel structures (antithesis).

By analyzing sentences in this manner, you can identify and explain the various rhetorical devices employed.