please check my answer

True or False

The following statement describes classical conditioning.

It involves the pairing of a conditioned stimulus with an unconditoned stimulus

I say True

No, not exactly. I am not certain of the meaning of uncontrolled stimulus.


Classical Conditioning is when a previously neutral stimulus (or the conditioned stimulus) elicits a conditioned response when paired with an unconditioned stimulus. This in turn causes a similar response (the unconditioned response).

Example: A certain smell reminds you of your grandmother's baking (smell and her baking-two stimuli). Her baking (makes you feel hungry-response) Hunger normally was only triggered by the stimulus,the smell.
I hope this helps. I had trouble with this too.

Your answer is correct! The statement accurately describes classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus) becomes associated with a naturally occurring stimulus (unconditioned stimulus). Through repeated pairings, the conditioned stimulus can elicit a response on its own, known as the conditioned response.